2. Date of the last election held: 06 Sep 2020

3. Details of recognition of International/Asian body: AITA is affiliated to International Tennis Federation and Asian Tennis Federation. Details of Affiliations are available on their respective websites.

4. Name & contact details of the office bearers: (Download File)

5. Details of ACTC for the year: 2022-23 (Download File)
                                                      2021-22 (Download File)
                                                      2020-21 (Download File)
                                                      2019-20 (Download File)

6. Annual Audited Accounts: Accounts as on 31 March 2022

                                                  Accounts as on 31 March 2021

                                                  Accounts as on 31 March 2020

7. AGM Munites: 2021 (Download File)
                             2020 (Download File)
                             2019 (Download File)

8. National Championships: (Click Here)

9. TOP PLayers: (Click Here)

10. Name & contact details of the firm which audited accounts: VANG & CO. Chartered Accountants, SF-09, OMEX Celebration Mall, Subhash Chowk, Sohna Road, Gurgaon - 122001

11. Copy of valid registration certificate of the federation: (Download File)

12. Constitution of the NSF: (Download File)

13. Affiliation Criteria of State/UT/Clubs Units along with details of voting rights:  Refer to Clauses 18 of the AITA Constitution.

14. Name of the Affiliated Units with their registration numbers : (Download File)

15. Name & contact details of President & Secretary of affiliated units: (Download File)

16. Details of National Championships conducted during the current calendar year: (Download File)

17. Calendar for National & Zonal Championship to be held during current/next calendar year along with venue: (Download File)

18. Details in respect of international events abroad & held in India.

      (i) List of core probables and basis of their selection : (Download File)

      (ii) Details of coaching camps organized including venue, dates, and list of participants: Nill 

      (ii) The selection of players and supporting staff for the 19th Asian Games 2022 (Hangzhou 2022) will be held before 30th June 2023.

      (iii) Notification of selection criteria for such events at least 6 months in advance along with the details of time and venue for selection: Based on rankings / Availability and performance in the AITA International circuit and AITA organized camps as held for specific events.

           Olympics Games

           Singles Event: A player is selected to participate in the Olympic Games by virtue of ATP points in the Singles event.

           Doubles Event: If a player is selected to participate in the Olympic Games then AITA in consultation with the selected player will choose the doubles partner.

      (iv) List of the athletes selected: same as 18(i)

      (v) Details of athletes, support personnel, and other officials sent to the event along with the amount paid to them towards airfare, boarding & lodging, local transportation daily allowance etc. This is required to be placed on the website within 15 days of the conclusion of the event: N/A

19. List of I cards issued to National Athletes: N/A

20. The details of the certificate issued by the NSFs to the participants: N/A

21. Action taken by the NSF for prevention of Age Fraud: (Download File)

22. Notifying/ Updating the present Selection Committee for National Athletes: (Download File)

23. Compliance to WADA/NADA Code: Compliance with WADA as per ITF Guidelines. No positive case reported in last Calendar year (2019-20)

24. Details of funds received from other sources: Refer point no. 6 above

25. Revenue generated by the NSF on its own: Refer point no. 6 above

26. Date on which the website was updated: Refer home page 

27. Names of Prominent sportspersons included in GB/EC: Vijay Amritraj, Rohit Rajpal, S P Misra, Rushmi Chakravorthi

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