India’s Kotistha Modak and Vishal Gautam pick up wins at Junior Open of Aveiro, Portugal

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India’s Kotistha Modak and Vishal Gautam pick up wins at Junior Open of Aveiro, Portugal

Two Indian juniors Kotistha Modak and Vishal Gautam won the U-18 national tournament, Junior Open of Aveiro, in Portugal last weekend.

This win, for Modak, was her second U-18 National title in Portugal in as many weeks.

Meanwhile, Bengaluru’s Vishal Gautam joined the winner’s circle as he pocketed his maiden title last weekend in Portugal at the Junior Open of Aveiro.

Modak and Gautam, both aged 15, have been training in Portugal for over a year now.


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LAST UPDATED ON : 17-Jul-2024 2:25 PM IST