Message to Players

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Message to Players

Dear Players,

We trust that all of you are safe and in good health, and we pray for the same in these difficult times.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, not just the India’s but entire world’s tennis ecosystem has been badly affected.

We do realise that in these difficult times, many players may struggle to avoid the loss of competitive experience in the backdrop of the indefinite cancellation of all ATP and ITF competitions worldwide.

Currently, there appears to be no indication that the Professional Circuit or the ITF circuit are likely to resume anytime soon.

Players, Coaches, Officiating staff etc. are all affected. The entire fraternity is concerned.

Through this message, we would like to keep you informed about AITA’s intermediate plan to mitigate at least some of the pain. The need of the hour is that the tennis ecosystem is kept alive and AITA aims to achieve this with the help and support of the Government and all other stakeholders.

The AITA therefore, based on the assumption that the complete  National Lockdown may be lifted in the course of the next 2 months and that travel restrictions may be eased somewhat, plans to launch a Domestic circuit to start in July 2020.

This circuit will be aimed at benefiting our tennis players across the country since the pandemic has adversely affected their overall training and tournament preparedness and shall have the objective of helping them be sharp, fit and match ready.

The AITA proposes to start Tournaments for all age groups. These will initially (in July and August) be restricted to State Level tournaments and tournaments for Juniors keeping in mind the need for restricting travel. It shall subsequently graduate into Zonal and National tournaments in September, October and November once the travel restrictions and social distancing norms are further eased.

In the meantime, we would also like to take a moment to appreciate your contributions in following the guidelines of lockdown and social distancing directed by the Govt of India. We urge you to continue doing the same and help the authorities to stop the spread and also be compassionate and helpful to those in need, in these testing times.

Thanking you and praying once again for your safety.

All India Tennis Association



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All India Tennis Associaton

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LAST UPDATED ON : 17-Jul-2024 2:25 PM IST