Talking to your kids about the Coronavirus

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Talking to your kids about the Coronavirus

Three days ago, the Indian government extended the nation-wide lockdown until the 3rd of May 2020. In the current times where the normal life has gone for a toss for many people in India, it may be difficult for some players, especially younger ones, to deal with this difficult Coronavirus pandemic mentally.

On a brighter side, the AITA is extremely grateful for your zealous participation and engagement in the #LetsFightCOVID19 campaign on our social media networks. Kids as young as age five to a 63-year-old lady have taken up some form of physical activity or #TennisAtHome videos to keep themselves active and healthy.

Therefore, in this unprecedented scenario, it is an equally crucial time to take care of the mental health of your near and dear ones by reaching out to family or friends. With kids being the most vulnerable, below are some ways on how you, as parent, teacher/coach or mentor, could have a healthy chat with them on Coronavius.










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LAST UPDATED ON : 17-Jul-2024 2:25 PM IST