Vishnu Vardhan plays second seed in qualifying event

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Vishnu Vardhan plays second seed in qualifying event

Former National champion Vishnu Vardhan has been drawn to face second seed Atharva Sharma in the men’s qualifying event of the Fenesta National tennis championship to be staged at the DLTA Complex here.

Another Davis Cupper, Vijayant Malik, starts with a first round against Sushant Dabas. Top seed Lakshit Sood, Abhishek Gaur, Alex Solanki, BR Nikshep, Chandril Sood, Megh Bhargav Patel, Denim Yadav, Vilasier Khate are some of the other leading players figuring in the draw of 64, in which a player has to win three matches to make the main event.

In the women’s qualifying event, Akanksha NItture has been seeded No.1. Salsa Aher, Sharannya Gaware and Rashmika Shrivalli Bhamidipaty are some of the other strong players in the qualifying event.

There will also be the under-18 boys and girls qualifying events, simultaneously held in draws of 64, which will give a vibrant atmosphere to the arena. Akanksha NItture is also the top seed in the girls under-18 event, and thus she will have a lot to fight to make the main draw of the women’s and girls sections over two days.

(Courtesy: The Hindu)


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