SOPs for resumption of Tennis Training after COVID-19 Lockdown

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SOPs for resumption of Tennis Training after COVID-19 Lockdown

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the sporting world into unprecedented turmoil, with sports events being cancelled and postponed all around the world and forcing most athletes to cut their training short to enter isolation mode. The pandemic hit the world hard at a time when the Olympic qualifiers for several sports were ongoing and several other sports had already wrapped up their qualifying process, leaving athletes in a conundrum. In response to the global pandemic, the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games have been postponed to Jul-Aug 2021.

The postponement of the Games has resulted into an unusual situation of underlying opportunity and threat, wherein few athletes might get more time to prepare but at the same time, it could drastically impact the athletes who were already performing at their peak. Hence, it is imperative to find avenues for the athletes to resume training at the earliest to make up for the lost ground during lockdown, in a bid to attain peak performance levels for Olympic Games or its qualifiers. Several countries have already taken strides towards developing an environment for their athletes to resume training and India too should match those strides to be competitive on and off the pitch.

Any further delay caused in resuming the training could put our players in a position of disadvantage compared to their global counterparts. Having said so, it is critical to put in place adequate measures to provide a safe training environment for the athletes. To serve this need, this SOP is prepared to set forth guidelines and measures which Tennis training centres/stadiums/sports complexes shall adhere to in order to resume training in their premises.

For Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)  - Click Here.

COVID-19 pandemic related guidelines issued by the Government of India and respective State Government(s), from time to time, take precedence over this document and must be adhered to, at all times.


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LAST UPDATED ON : 17-Jul-2024 2:25 PM IST