Introducing Davis Cup Dhamaka – a virtual voting-based tennis tournament with Indian Davis Cup Stars down the ages

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Introducing Davis Cup Dhamaka – a virtual voting-based tennis tournament with Indian Davis Cup Stars down the ages

As we all continue to stay at home during the nation-wide lockdown due to coronavirus pandemic, here is an online voting-based tennis tournament featuring present and former Davis Cup Stars – the Davis Cup Dhamaka.

The sporting action on tennis courts across the world has come to an indefinite halt and during these uncertain times, and among many efforts being made by the various stakeholders of Indian Tennis, some of our Indian Davis Cup stars like Mahesh Bhupathi, Rohan Bopanna, Sandeep Kirtane & Nitin Kirtane have put together a virtual tennis tournament which is aimed at engaging the tennis fraternity in tennis discussions and match-ups. The AITA is very happy to extend its support to this cause by reaching out to all its registered players and frequent visitors on AITA's various social media platforms.

This fun tournament will be played via online polls on social media handles of Davis Cup Dhamaka and will also have the objective of making the current budding players and tennis loving youngsters across India aware of the Davis Cup players that India has produced over the years.   

The AITA is happy to share the DRAW of this unique virtual competition, Davis Cup Dhamaka.

AITA and the Davis Cup Dhamaka team look forward to your active engagement and participation in this fun online activity, even as we all keep looking for ways to be in the "Tennis State of Mind".

Send your votes here :

Twitter : @cup_davis

Instagram : @daviscupdhamaka





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LAST UPDATED ON : 17-Jul-2024 2:25 PM IST