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Team India Raring to Go at India -Pak Davis Cup tie in Cold Nursultan

Nursultan , Kazakhstan November 27

India Davis Cup team under new captain Rohit Rajpal is raring  to go on the indoor courts of the National Tennis Center at Nursultan the capital of Kazakhstan.

In temperatures reaching - 20 degrees the team has done well to acclimatise to the extreme conditions outside .  The tennis Center At Nursultan which houses 10 outdoor courts including 4 indoor courts provides the right setting as the neutral venue for the much talked about tie.

While the outside courts are covered with knee deep snow , the indoor 4 courts provides the right heating arrangements and facilities warming the hearts of Indian team.

“it’s very cold outside but the indoor courts and the arrangements done by the kazakhstan tennis federation in preparing for the tie has made us all comfortable “. Said Rohit Rajpal who makes his debut as the captain of the team .

The team is having a great time on and off the court , the warm up sessions , the cool down sessions are important and the entire team goes through these regimens religiously as it’s important to be fit and avoid injuries due to severe cold conditions “, he added.

The team spirit is amazing and at the best , the team is mix of youth and experience and everyone has something to take from each other , the bonding between team is amazing and the players are very happy with all the administrative arrangements that AITA has made for this tie including convenient flight connections which have kept the team fresh on arrival .

Our manager (Sunder Iyer) has also got plenty of Indian food with him this time to Ensure our players feel at home.

The courts are medium paced and our players are liking it , though we don’t know much about our young opponents we are leaving nothing to chance “, said Zeeshan Ali the coach of the indian Team.

We are spending a good 6-7 hours on the courts , it’s also good practise for the boys not only for the tie but also the SAF games which will follow.

We have Saketh , Jeevan  and Anand (Physio ) who will  be flying to Nepal , While Ram and Siddharth will go for the AO main draw playoff in China so these serious practise sessions will help added Zeeshan.

Jeevan who will be making his Davis Cup debut with Leander who chases another record To be   joint fourth in overall wins , in the all time list Davis Cup list with legendary Manuel Santana .

Jeevan is looking sharp and combining well with Leander and we hope to look at a clean sweep , said Zeeshan from the sidelines of the practise court .

Sumit Nagal and Ramkumar who in all Probability lead the indian Challenge look raring to go “

Said Sumit “ I think it’s a fun challenge , there a lot of times we have tough situations in tennis but you gotta fight it out. Good part is we are playing indoor , last tie I played in China we played outdoor around 1-2 degrees Celsius.”

We are all enjoying here, every one is loving the snow and staying warm at the same time with bunch of layers. Thanks to AITA for helping the team with amazing warm jackets. We can’t wait to get on the courts on Friday and show why we are here! , he added.

Ramkumar said  Davis Cup is special it’s colder than when we were in New Zealand, but with our great support team here Of Rohitsir, Zeeshansir , Sundersir, Premsir and Physios have made our lives easier , the indian food that our team has in locker rooms has made it nicer for us.

We are going to give it all as every match we play for our indian flag is important for all of us..


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