AITA hosts webinar on Line Umpiring for Tennis Officials

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AITA hosts webinar on Line Umpiring for Tennis Officials

The All India Tennis Association continued its series of webinars for the tennis officials in India and added a session on “Line Umpiring” yesterday with 50 plus officials taking part from across the nation.

Starting from  May 2020, the AITA has conducted webinars moderated by Puneet Gupta (ITF Silver Referee) with topics ranging from – the ITF World Tennis Tour 2020 Rules and Procedural changes, Duties and Responsibilities as a Tennis Official, and Pathway to Line Umpiring and How to Prepare for AITA Tournaments.  This was 3rd in the series of such webinars.

In this webinar, the panelists and the attendees had a highly engaging discussion on the Duties of Line Umpire.

Officials like Abhishek, who has officiated at multiple Grand Slams, Olympics and Asian Games, shared his experiences and gave personal insights on how to remain calm in big finals or when officiating at Grand Slam stage, importance of team work among the line officials and various things one should keep in mind while officiating as a line umpire.

Saikat Roy, a white badge-chair and referee since 1999 also shared his experience of working on lines.

Ashraf Hamouda, Chief of Umpires at Qatar Open joined the online interaction on Line Umpiring as the expert and shared with the attendees, how important is the role of a line umpire in smooth conduct of a tennis match.

Leena Nageshkar exchanged thoughts on her experiences on preparations for working at AITA tournaments as a referee. Giving her company on this section of the discussion was Supreeth, a referee with over 10 years of experience at AITA tournaments.

The session concluded with a Question and Answers round and a webinar snap of all the attendees.

AITA would continue the series of such webinars in coming weeks, for the benefit of tennis officials of India.



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LAST UPDATED ON : 17-Jul-2024 2:25 PM IST